Success Stories: FULL Scholarship to University of Nottingham!
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My view of the world came at a fateful turning point at 13 years old. The family business wasn’t doing well so my parents transferred me to a public high school. Skipping 7th grade, it would allow me to leap to high school and graduate ahead of my peers. My parents regarded this as a big advantage, which preteen me didn’t understand. And besides, they said, it was the city’s government-run Science High School with an entrance exam that filters the smartest examinees. I trusted that my parents, who would unceasingly point out the value of education, only have the best intentions and I obliged and passed. It was a major adjustment from the habitat I was used to. Nonetheless, I made to sure to absorb as much as I could. What struck me the most was how the opportunities and lives of my past classmates in the private school were different from my classmates in the public high school. For one, there were facilities in the private school that my classmates in the public HS would only dream of and that I honestly missed so much. Another is how seemingly normal activities, like a trip via car, would be seen as luxury for my classmates in public HS. It first served as a lesson on humility and gratitude then it grew to something much more. It was a first-hand manifestation of a social reality that would reappear in varying forms and degrees later on in my life; it was inequality at 13 years old. This shook me to the core, igniting and etching forever a desire to curb the gap and help out.
... to be continued at